Frequently asked questions
If you can’t find the answer to your question here, contact us and we’ll answer it for you by email.
1. Is it secure to shop on the wholesale cosmetics website?
Yes, all credit card transactions are very secure. All on-line orders are encrypted and sent through our secure server, SagePay, using the approved Industry standard technology – usually referred to as SSL (128 bit encryption) to prevent information from being intercepted.
Sagepay has achieved the highest level of compliance under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI). They adhere to the most stringent levels of fraud screening, ensuring that your details remain secure throughout the transaction process.
To check the security of your connection, view the lower corner of your browser window as you place your order. If you see a closed padlock (this may also appear on the right hand side of the address bar) or an unbroken key (depending on your browser), then SSL is active and the server is secure. You can also double-check by looking at the URL line of your browser. When accessing a secure server, the first characters of the site address will change from http to https.
2. What payment methods are available at checkout?
We accept the following methods of payment and can only accept one payment type per order:
Visa Delta
UK Maestro
We regret that we are unable to accept cheques or cash on delivery (COD).
3. Why was my order payment rejected?
There are various reasons why this may have happened but we suggest the following steps:
Check with your bank to ensure there are funds available to pay for your order.
Step 2
If you are using a MasterCard or Visa credit or debit card to pay for your order, we suggest you confirm your 3D Secure details are being entered correctly.
4. What is Payment Authentication / 3D Secure?
Verified by Visa (VbV) and MasterCard®, Secure Code (MSC), (often referred to as 3-D Secure or Payment Authentication), is the latest fraud prevention initiative launched by the card schemes as a more secure method for authenticating the cardholder at the time of the transaction. Both schemes work in the same way by using personal passwords, set by you the cardholder, to add an extra layer of protection when you shop online. 3D Secure can be thought of as an online version of ‘Chip and Pin’ technology.
If your card is enrolled with 3-D Secure, during the payment flow you will be prompted by your bank to enter a password to verify that the transaction is authorised by the card owner before completion. Your 3D secure password is set up between you and your bank to further secure transactions over the internet or where the card holder is not present. If you are enrolled in 3D secure, you must correctly enter you 3D secure password for your payment to be authorised. After submitting your MasterCard or Visa credit or debit card details at checkout, a new window will appear asking you to enter your 3D secure password. If you do not enter your password correctly, or you close this window and do not enter these details your payment will not be authorised If you have forgotten your password or are having any problems with your 3D secure details, please contact your bank who will be able to help you solve this.
If you are still having problems please contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to provide a speedy resolution.
5. How will I know if my order has been received or dispatched?
After placing an order, you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order and giving an order number and a summary of your order.
Once we have processed and dispatched your order, we will send you another email to let you know your parcel is on its way.
6. Can I place my order over the phone?
Yes, we are happy to take your order over the telephone, please contact us or e-mail us your order and we will be happy to help you.
7. Can I cancel my order?
Providing you contact us before your order is dispatched and ideally as soon as possible after making the order, you should be able to cancel your order without a problem. To do this, email or phone us with your order number to hand. If the order is still being processed, we will cancel the order for you. If it has already been dispatched there is nothing we can do, you may refer to our returns policy for the next stage.
8. Can I revise my order and add more product lines?
You may revise your order and add/remove any product lines prior to dispatch, hence you need to get in touch with us as soon as possible. If additional payment is required, the goods will only be dispatched once the outstanding balance has been settled.
9. Can I return the products ordered for an exchange or refund?
Distance Selling Regulations (DSR) state a customer has the ‘right to cancel’ the contract at any time up to ‘7 working days starting the day after delivery’. The goods must be returned unused, unopened and in the same condition as they were originally dispatched by Wholesale Cosmetics. We will not accept, for exchange or refund, any item which has been used or is not in the exact condition in which it was dispatched by us.
You must contact us by phone and email to confirm which items are being returned. You will be requested to return the goods by first class post (we recommend you obtain Proof of Posting) and you will be required to pay the cost of returning the goods and obtaining any insurance for higher value returns. There will be no refund of the cost of returning the goods. Any free gifts associated with an item must be returned at the same time.
Please see the Returns & Refunds policy for further information.
10. I have received damaged or incorrect goods, what is the procedure for returns?
In the rare event of a customer receiving an incorrect item, Wholesale Cosmetics will, upon receipt of the returned incorrect item, send the correct item and refund the return postage.
Wholesale Cosmetic staff take considerable time and care in packing the goods to ensure their safe arrival to the customer. If a product has been damaged in transit or is faulty, please contact us within 3 working days of order receipt to arrange a replacement or a refund and return of the faulty item by first class post.
Please see the Returns & Refunds policy for further information.
11. Do I have to register before I can purchase on your website and what is the minimum order requirement?
You do not need to register before purchasing, however registering and then logging in to your account will enable you to complete checkout process quickly and allows you to add different shipping addresses. We will also keep all registered customers updated with latest offers and new products.
There is £75+VAT minimum order threshold for UK orders.
Orders Outside UK Minimum Order spend is £350
12. I have registered and attached my VAT certificate, but at the checkout page why am I still being charged VAT on the goods ordered?
We need to check your VAT documentation and verify your EU VAT Number. As soon as this has been done and a valid VAT number is confirmed with the European Commissions VAT & Customs Department, we will set your account status to VAT exempt and notify you by e-mail. Only at that stage will you be able to purchase the goods with zero rate VAT.
All supplies of goods to UK customers will be charged VAT, irrespective of whether they are VAT registered or not.
13. How do I get the answer to my question, which is not listed here ?
If you are unable to find the answer to your questions, please email info@cosmeticschoiceslimited.co.uk and we will endeavour to reply back to you promptly with the information you require.